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Be Where Your Clients or Customers Are

You may clean clogged drains, but I doubt there is a forum for that online (I could be wrong!). But there are plenty of places where prospects do hang out and talk about their clogged toilets, so go find them!

One response to “Be Where Your Clients or Customers Are”

  1. Chris Haught Avatar
    Chris Haught

    Gee, another great video I wholeheartedly agree with! Nice job! The DIY chatrooms are a great place, I wonder how a Facebook page would work for that? 😉
    I received a call just yesterday from a homeowner across the country who wanted to know more about the products I had used in a project I posted on a painters forum, and I see hits, local and non local that come from the various forums and social sites I frequent all the time! Another reason to keep your online “persona” in check!