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Your Content Isn’t Stuffing, So Stop Filling Your Readers With it!

Your content should be written in a way that is conversational, not stuffed like a turkey on Thanksgiving. If you thought it was a good idea to pack your pages with location and business-based keywords…you screwed up. Now fix it by writing content that actual real people will WANT to read, not some friggin’ search engine overlord you are trying to appease!

6 responses to “Your Content Isn’t Stuffing, So Stop Filling Your Readers With it!”

  1. Bridget Willard Avatar
    Bridget Willard

    Another good push in the right direction. Thanks Darren.

    1. Darren Avatar

      Thanks and Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. Chris Haught Avatar
    Chris Haught

    Spot on Darren! Happy Thanksgiving!

    1. Darren Avatar

      Thanks Chris!

  3. Tim Avatar

    I commend that to the house!
    This is how I write. Glad to know I am not doing it wrong. Just want to be the same me online as I am in person.
    Cheers Darren

    1. Darren Avatar

      You are doing it correctly Tim! Thanks for commenting! -Darren