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  • Build Value or Compete on Price…Pick One

    Do you build value or compete on price? I know most contractors love to say how they don’t compete on price yet they are the first one to offer a discount or percentage off when Mrs. Jones gives them pushback. If you really want to be able to improve your bottom line, lead with value…

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  • What The FAQ is Wrong With Your Site?

    If your website doesn’t have a FAQ page, then you are spending more time at the table trying to sell than you have to. Create a FAQ page using your top 10 most asked questions by homeowners and close more sales!

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  • Contractor Website Tips: Are Pictures Killing Your Ranking?

    Your pictures could very well be killing your website ranking because they are too big. If you just upload images from your camera to your website without first changing the format to make them web friendly, they will take forever to load.

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