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Marketing Online

  • Passion Above All

    Steve Jobs said, and I’m paraphrasing, you have to love what you are doing because if you don’t when it gets really hard, you will quit. That’s where passion comes in When you find it hard to generate new business, find the right talent, get that prospect to sign, you have to have passion. Passion…

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  • I love Email Marketing

    Funny story. I started a non-profit to help kids who want to participate in the performing arts. When I built the website, I used the code for my newsletter as a placeholder expecting to change it once the site went live. Well, I forgot And for 60 days now, I’ve added emails from parents who…

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  • How Facebook Determine the Cost of Your Ad

    There are so many factors that come into play when Facebook determines the cost of your ad.  In fact, Facebook doesn’t really charge for your ads. Instead, you set the amount that you are willing to pay for your ad to be seen.  While a lower amount may allow your ad to be seen a…

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