Learning about marketing should be as important as learning your trade. You can’t be a successful contractor if people don’t know who you are, and that requires marketing. So spend the time it takes to learn how to promote your business and I promise you will be busier in your business.
Using Video & YouTube
Contractor Marketing Video Minute: Answer Your Phone!
One of the things I battle with contractors (especially small ones) about everyday is their ability to answer the phone. Your marketing campaign is doomed if you can’t find a way to get the phone answered within 3 rings. It doesn’t have to be you, but someone has to be able to talk to that prospect, and if it’s not you, it will be your competition!
Contractor Marketing Tip: Get Your Truck Professionally Lettered!
Short video talking about branding your contracting business either the right way or wrong way with truck lettering. Drive around with a magnetic sign stuck to the back of your truck is not the image you want people to have of your brand if that is the only thing they have to go by. Spend the money as if it were the best drill or air-hammer you ever bought and get your truck lettered properly by a pro!
Google Search Results Change to Help Local Contractors
Get your business listed on Google Places free!
Contractor Marketing Video Tip-Using Social Media to Build Your Reputation
Contractor Marketing Video Tip-Using a Press Release to Market Your Company
Contractor Marketing-Using a press release to market your contracting company is a great way to get the message out about a new product our service with minimal cost.