You’ve heard a lot about content marketing and how it can make a difference for you and your company, but you much prefer working on a home than a computer. However, without a company blog, you’re missing out on a golden opportunity to attract new business and retain those customers for years to come. When you create interesting, relevant articles that people want to read and share, your site can perform better in search engine rankings, which brings more visitors to your site. That content keeps them there longer, and demonstrates your knowledge and experience in the industry. These factors can ultimately help you outperform your competitors.
Alright, so I’ve made my point and you’re with me on this one. You’re interesting in getting your blog going, but aren’t sure what types of content you should be putting out there. It’s not as complicated as you may think! Here are five suggestions to help get you started and build your marketing collateral out even further.
- Explain a Potential Issue
That noise in the house that keeps the customer up at night? It could be their pipes ready to burst. The next thing they know, they’ve got a very expensive mess on their hands. All of this could have been avoided if they knew what that clanging sound meant in the first place. Use your blog to describe tell tale signs of a potential issue within a home, and the customer will be sure to call you the first time they encounter it.
- Solve a Problem
Perhaps the disaster has already occurred within the home. Part of their roof collapsed, their basement is flooded, or their heater bit the dust. In your blog, examine the problem at hand and explain it in detail. Then, don’t just say that your company can fix it but discuss the methods for doing so. What are some of the techniques or types of equipment that you use? A homeowner will feel much more comfortable contacting you if they know that you have the proven method to solve their problem.
- Showcase a Before and After
A before and after story and photo can go a long way with a homeowner looking to hire a contractor. If they’re experiencing the same problem like the one you describe in the article, they’ll form an immediate connection to the customer in the story. Then, when you explain how you solved the problem AND couple that with a great quality photo of the finished project, you’ve really hit a home run.
- Increase Home Value
There are many ways a homeowners can increase the value of their investment and property, from replacing their flooring to upgrading their bathroom to repainting their exterior. Separate each of the ways that a home value can be increased, and post an article about each topic.
- Offer DIY Tips
The truth is, a homeowner doesn’t want to call in a contractor for every little thing. There are smaller repairs and renovations that they will often attempt themselves. Why not be their go to source when they search online for guidance? It’s a great way to demonstrate your knowledge, and create an environment where a customer would come to your site for more than one reason.