You hear it all the time, mediocrity is the kiss of death, you have to be extreme. Well, I’m going to tell you that you can be extreme and it isn’t going to take all that much. You know your business better than anyone and you need to be your company’s “pitch” man or woman. You hear the statistics all the time; living in a post-Lehman era (post 2008 depression), people are leery of nameless, faceless companies. They want to do business with people that are like themselves and that they know, like and trust.
You have a major competitive advantage right now if you can step in front of a camera and be your own spokesperson, because I bet your competition isn’t doing it. A good example of someone doing that today is Bob Benhardt, owner of Benhardt Construction in St. Louis, MO. Bob is out front leading the charge everyday as the face of his business, and why not, it’s his name on the truck!
Which leads me to my final point
Since most contractors are self-branded, in other words, your name is your business, like mine, it just makes sense (and makes it easier) for you to be the one doing all the talking. And in case you think you aren’t any good at it…have you seen some of my videos?