Why use video? Because doing video really can be a great way to get the message out in a new way. It gives you a different platform to talk about products, news and other information that helps you stand out from your competition’s traditional websites or blogs.
What I use
I get at least one email a week asking me what I use to shoot my videos. And depending on where I am, I have a few different options. I use a FLIP HD for most videos shot in the car, I use a Philips Webcam when in the office and I use my Nikon CoolPix for both on the road and in the office.
Now let’s talk about editing software
You can use any or all of the cameras I mentioned above, but the one piece of software I use to edit my videos is probably already on your computer. If you use a PC, you should have Windows Movie Maker (if not, download it here). This great program lets you record videos and add music or other sound elements as well as graphics or other images.
You then save the videos as Windows Media files and upload them directly to your YouTube channel. You can literally go from shoot to site in less than 10 minutes and have a great new way to build traction (and leads) for your contracting company. So get started!