By now, it is likely that you have not only learned the importance of a company blog but have implemented one on your contractor website. Interesting, relevant content that is added regularly helps your site perform better with search engines, driving more people to your website. One way that search engines recognize and assess the relevance of your posts is through the usage of keywords. Keywords are words and phrases that a user types into a search engine in order to find what they are looking for. What you may not realize is that you can take your blogging and keywords even further by creating and utilizing geolocation keywords within your blog posts.
What are geolocation keywords?
Geolocation keywords are exactly what they sound like: keywords that utilize a geographic location. Examples of geographic location could be the city in which your business is located in or cities included in your service area. Utilizing geolocation keywords is part of the process of geotargeting, which displays different search results to users based on their current location. Geotargeting can be used with both paid and organic search.
Let’s try a little experiment. Open a new browser tab and head over to Google. Type in the keywords “powerwash home”. It is likely that your results will include expert articles, YouTube videos, and big name companies such as Lowe’s or Home Improvement. Now refine that keyword by changing it to “powerwash home Nashville”. Do you notice how those results have changed? Suddenly, local companies who service the Nashville area are ranking at the top of the search results making it much more relevant to a resident of Tennessee.
The amazing thing about geotargeting is that it allows a business to customize marketing messages to different customers instead of a “one size fits all” models. A website could have several different pages, each one dedicated to a different city or town in their service area. They can showcase work done in that specific area, and site visitors can immediately see the credibility a company has in their own backyard.
The use of geolocation keywords and geotargeting has become increasingly important as mobile usage continues to rise. A study by Nielsen last year showed that US adults spent 34 hours per month on average using the mobile internet on smartphones. Comparatively, they spent 27 hours accessing the internet through their PC. Thanks to Wi-Fi and GPS capabilities, a mobile phone is constantly revealing its location when a user is searching and browsing, shopping, playing games, or connecting with others on social media. A large majority of consumers are willing to share their location information when they feel that they are getting something in return. That something could range from deals and specials to simply better results tailored to them and their needs.
Now that you understand geotargeting, gelocation keywords and their importance, let’s talk about how to get started using them. Decide how you want to segment your customers; by zip code, city, county, state, and so on. Begin adding content to your website that utilizes these segments. As an example, you may want an entire page dedicated to foundation repair in Lee County, FL and how the weather conditions in that area can lead to common foundation issues. Another suggestion is to add a blog post about an important community event that you were part of such as the Relay For Life in Rockville, MD or a Boys & Girls Club fundraiser in Southern California.
It’s important to note that geolocation keywords can be used beyond website content and blog articles as well. They are quite beneficial when writing names and/or descriptions for photos and videos. Business owners can also take advantage of geotargeting by claiming their local listings on Google, Yahoo, and Bing and then further optimizing it with a description, hours of operation, and more. Geolocation keywords should also be used within social media posts and online ads. As you begin to incorporate this more and more into your marketing, you will likely find that you are better able to tailor your message to customers and attract higher quality leads. If you need better blog content, check out our blog writing service for contractors or our geolocation-based writing services.