An old expression made famous by Dean Martin, “keep those cards and letters coming,” actually has a direct application to any contractor marketing plan. There is a well know tactic in the internet business world that can be applied to other types of business rather easily.
Consider a Cesar Millan, famous K-9 training expert and star of NatGeo’s Dog Whisperer for a second. Cesar has years of experience handling different types of dogs with various problems and successfully turning these rascals into well-behaved pets. In order to reach more people and generate more revenue, he puts all of his tactics and proven tips into a book and sells it through his website. People contact him, pay for his book and receive the package while leaving behind their name, address, and email.
A couple of months go by and Cesar learns of a great grooming technique that works amazingly well with a new shampoo. What does he do? He gathers the list of email and addresses and sends out a little note to his past customers “hey, thought you might want to know about this wonderful dog shampoo and grooming technique. Drop me a line if you want more information.” What do you think happens? People buy more stuff from him because they have confidence in him based on past work.
Are you collecting addresses and emails of past clients? Do you let them know about new developments in your industry? This is a very simple method of using the success and satisfaction from past projects to land new work without the need for using expensive means of finding new clients.