If you are a contractor today you need to have a serious advertising budget…or do you? I talk a lot about being online engaging prospects on services like Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn to answer pre-sales questions, managing branding opportunities and generally get the message out about you and your business.
But you’ve engaged, now what?
Well, one of the easiest ways to stay in touch with clients and prospects is a simple email marketing campaign. Email marketing is often over-looked because a busy contractor has about 25 other things to do with his or her day, but think about it, setting up a newsletter on your site for people is a set it and forget it proposition. And no one joins a mailing list unless they are ultra-interested in the topic, and if they are interested in the topic, then they are more willing to join your mailing list or newsletter so that you can stay in touch with them.
Why are email addresses so important to your company’s longevity?
Because the cost to develop an email marketing campaign is minimal, and just like the real world, any contractor today is looking forward to the day when referrals become a major part of their new client development.
Another reason email marketing is so important is to stay in front of the people who HAVE NOT bought from you yet. Your current clients already know who you are, they already have bought from you, and if you treated them right then they are out there right now singing your song for you, and a newsletter keeps them singing with fresh ideas every month!
How are you staying in touch with your prospects?
For every customer you have you should be tracking 3-5 prospects, people who will hopefully turn into paying clients once you deliver the right message that compels them to buy, and a solid email marketing or newsletter campaign can help. Why do people join mailing lists in the first place?
1. They want to learn more about you and your company before they buy
2. They are waiting for the right promotion or buying opportunity to come along
3. They have no intention of ever buying from you and just want to waste your resources
4. They signed up because they are your competition and want to keep track of your offers, promotions or progress
5. They have already purchased from you and want to keep track of updates or other offers
6. It’s your Mom!
So, if you are not asking for email addresses now, either on your site or in person, then you better start soon because prospects want information before they buy and they are either going to get it from you or your competition!