I think I read somewhere that within the next 5 years, 90% of the content consumed online is going to be in video format. Sure, that number includes the mass migration to watching network TV on sites like Hulu.com, but it also means people are getting busier (or lazy) with how they consume content on websites that are traditionally more contextually rich.
What’s it all mean?
Well, if you have paid any attention here at Darren’s, I have beaten the video drum for a long time. Having video on your site adds a lot of value to your readers.
1. It gives the viewer a richer experience on your site
2. Your readers have a higher chance of being pulled into the site, and creating a sticker site means higher conversions.
3. Being able to show your work instead of just talk about it raises your credibility level into the stratosphere.
4. Search engines LOVE video content these days!
5. Having the ability to create a “warm handshake” introduction with your potential client or customer helps move the sales process along quicker.
Content ideas for your 1st video
If you haven’t stepped in front of the camera yet, you may be scratching your head and asking what the heck you should talk about. Well, have no fear; Uncle Darren is here to help. If you don’t have location shots or video testimonials “in the can,” then here are the 10 key elements you want to make sure to include in your first video shoot for your site:
1. Include an introduction by you the owner or your manager.
2. If possible, give a brief tour of your business.
3. Give an overview of your products and services offered.
4. Demonstrate expertise with staff commentary.
5. Show off a bit with success stories or recognition awards.
6. Use current photos of your business, products and services.
7. Share testimonials from past or current customers or clients.
8. Show plenty of “before” and “after” footage.
9. Avoid pricing info or other material that can become stale such as special offers that have a time limit so you don’t have to change the video all the time.
10. Make sure you have your contact info in the video – company name, phone number and website address should be fine. Remember, consumers may not be “consuming” your video directly from your site, they might be watching it on YouTube or another service, so make sure you include contact info.
And that’s it. Get these key points into your first shoot and you should have the makings of a great intro video for the first page of your contractor websites. Try and keep the video length to less than two minutes MAX as people will click away instead of stay to read more.