Confidence factors are subtle little ways you can use to make people feel comfortable about doing business with you.
Things such as belonging to the local Chamber Commerce or, up until recently, being a member of the Better Business Bureau. Obviously the Better Business Bureau has had some issues, so that’s not necessarily a great confidence factor, but you know what I mean.
The number of years you’ve been in business is a confidence factor. If you’ve been around 10 years, 20 years or you’re a family-run business since 1950 something, that’s a huge confidence factor you should be screaming from the rooftops because you can’t buy decades worth of trust, it has to be earned.
Here’s a tip you can use today
Use your guarantee as a secret weapon! Some 60% of people in a past survey said they are more likely to do business with a company with a strong guarantee.
Sure, you can go out and get your Better Business Bureau badge, become a Chamber member or be in business 50 years, but if you want to build confidence quickly, just offer a knock their socks off guarantee. Then, put in on your website, put it in your marketing materials promote it everywhere and watch what happens. You WILL close more business simply by implementing this strategy.
How to implement a one-better guarantee
Think about this, how often do you have to provide warranty work? Probably not that often. Now take a look around your market, see what your competition is doing as far as guarantees or warranties, then double it, triple it, hell…offer a lifetime guarantee! Just don’t get too sensational, then it will come off as disingenuous, which can backfire. A good rule of thumb I use when I talk to clients about this strategy is doubling the standard guarantee time in their area. Try it this spring, I promise you will get one or two new clients or customers from it this season just because you offer something others don’t….or can’t!