You have probably heard that it’s pretty important to have a marketing plan and a strategy for your construction company.
If you have tried to create one then you might have discovered that you have to begin with your business objectives, which is a pretty significant task in itself. Determining what your company objectives are will drive, not only your marketing plan, but the way you do business.
Your construction marketing goals depend upon several factors. Are you starting a new business or marketing one that has been around for generations? Do your business goals include entering new markets, focusing on a particular niche, or increasing profit per project?
Would you like your marketing efforts to build your brand and company reputation in general or focus on a particular element of your business? Once you have your business objectives, your marketing goals should fall into place.
Most construction marketing plans will include these five elements to strengthen your brand and increase sales:
Website: This cannot be emphasized enough. Regardless of what your business objectives are, a professionally developed construction website is an essential element of your marketing strategy. You objectives should drive the design and content of that website, but you absolutely must have one.
More than ever before, consumers are heading to their internet search engine, not printed directories, when they need information, a local service provider, or are researching a purchase.
Your website has the power to educate, feature your best work, and establish your company as an expert in the market you serve. You simply cannot miss out on this opportunity to present your company as well as possible.
Blog: As part of your website, a blog is the most vital element to increasing traffic and displaying your expertise. It is important to feature answers to questions that your customers have with your blog articles, not simply use it as a platform for selling services.
Your blog can build trust and loyalty if used wisely. It is acceptable to feature a special or new service offering, but make sure that your blog is written to attract an audience not to sell to one that you assume will show up. Pair your blog with social media to maximize its effect and grow your customer base.
Social Media: People turn to social media to connect with friends. With expanded communities and friends that are spread across the world, social media has become a channel where we can all feel closer to one another.
This does not apply only to personal relationships. When your business is active on social media, your customers begin to think of you as more than a contractor. You begin to enjoy the status of friend. Through this platform, you can spotlight images of finished projects, sales and specials, and blog articles that demonstrate your expertise.
Every time a follower shares your post, they give you a word of mouth recommendation to a vast number of new contacts.
Networking: Just as social media enables you to connect with new people online, traditional networking remains vital to the success of your company.
Your activity as part of your local community will increase your company’s visibility while building a positive reputation. Business connections with those within your industry and those related to it can lead to a substantial amount of new work. Consider contacts with home improvement outlets, realtors, inspectors, and other contractors in various fields.
Branding: Building your brand is an important way to positively affect your company’s reputation. Making your logo and name recognizable and memorable throughout your community can be done through a variety of tools and techniques.
It starts with a professionally designed logo that captures the essence of your company and leaves no doubt about your line of business. This logo should be featured on everything from your signage and vehicles to invoices and business cards. Of course, the same logo and color scheme should be coordinated on your website and social media outlets.
A consistent message gives your company a sense of solidity and trustworthiness that is also easier for customers to remember and recall.
These 5 elements can give you the foundation you need to grow your construction business not just for the next month, two months or two years, but for decades to come.
If you need help getting things off the ground, let’s talk, we’d be happy to get you started in the right direction. Call us at 800-457-1998 or email us by clicking here.