Website review services are an ideal way to improve your online presence and make your website a more effective marketing tool. Unfortunately, it is also an easy step to ignore, procrastinate about, or simply convince yourself that you don’t need. Boost your website performance and you may be surprised at what a difference it can make for your business as a whole.
Increase your conversion rate
Getting new visitors to your website is great; increasing the sales to those who are already there is even better. A website review can reveal the areas of your website that can be made more attractive to inspire more purchases from the people who are already interested in what you have to offer.
Keep new visitors from clicking away
Studies have shown that you have only a few seconds to retain a website visitor even if your work to attract them has been successful. A website review will ensure that your website delivers on the promises that are getting people to click their way there.
Optimize your mobile suitability
Many of your website visitors won’t be on a large PC or laptop screen. They are likely to be viewing your website on a tablet or smartphone. Is your website designed to look good and maintain usability in these formats? If not, you need a website review to determine where improvements and adjustments need to be made.
Improve your navigation
Your website visitors should be able to find the information that they are looking for within 2-3 clicks. What may seem like completely intuitive design and navigation to you could leave visitors frustrated. A website review by an unbiased third party can point out unclear features and help you develop a more user friendly experience for your customers.
Minimize advertising
You have a website to promote your business and increase sales, but that shouldn’t be the only message that visitors take away from it. Even worse are advertisements for third parties. Your professional website should not include ads for other businesses. There is no justification for this and it makes your company look amateurish. Get rid of pop-ups, banners, redirects….anything that would annoy your visitors for the sake of selling someone else’s product.
Stop making demands upon your customers
Prospective customers know that you want their personal information, but if you are too pushy about gaining sales leads your efforts will have the opposite effect. Immediately asking for guests to register or requiring information to gain access to certain website features is a huge turn-off to prospective customers that could send them running to the competition.
Keep it simple
Modern trends in website design include sophisticated, streamlined design that doesn’t leave much room for flashy, gaudily colored website design. A website review will let you know what has gone out of style and recommend innovative elements to replace it with.
Improve your website users’ experience
Your website should be about your customer, not about you. A website review will emulate the experience and use of your customers, which is probably not the way you view and use your website. Their recommendations will help you optimize their experience for greater retention of readers and sales conversion.
Find a happy medium
It can be difficult to develop a website that is professional yet has personality enough to attract and retain visitors. A website review will help you ensure that your website captures the essence of your business vision in a way that strengthens your brand. Think professional but not overly formal.
Encourage interaction and relationship building
A website review will help you identify areas where you can reach out to customers, interact effectively, and gain their confidence to build more of a relationship with your company. Rather than being pushy about registration, offer rewards, such as entry into a giveaway, for signing up for updates or newsletters. Develop your blog into a community where customers feel encouraged to comment and discuss. Your website has the potential to be more than it currently is with a website review that can lead to an enlarged customer base and increased sales.
Before you know where you are going, you need to know where you’ve been, which means getting a good baseline on your website today. Click here to get more information on our contractor website review service. Your site will love you for it!