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December 2011

  • Relationships

    Relationships are hard, and I didn’t realize until this year just how hard. And since we are on the cusp of a new year, and new beginnings, I am going to brand this year the “Year of the Relationship”. Relationships that matter That sub-head is a bit misleading in that it denotes there are any relationships…

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  • Add Sizzle to Your Proposals or Stop Boring Prospects to Death!

    I have said here before, if the only way to improve your product or service is by lowering your price…you are doomed for failure. You might as well sell off all of your crap and go back to working for the man. If however, you are prepared to offer a better user experience than your…

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  • Perception is Everything

    I get on contractor’s butts all the time for not answering their phones. I spend hours trying to figure out ways to get their phones to ring, and what do they do? They send the call to voicemail. Well guess what, people don’t want your voicemail, they want to talk to you about how you…

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