If you are just starting your contracting company, chances are you are also considering a website. It doesn’t matter if you are going to do your site yourself or outsource it; you need to make sure it has the right information in order to move prospects through the sales funnel and onto your lead list.
Or maybe you have been thinking about a redesign of your existing site, then you too could use these tips to button up your online showroom.
Construction website content tips
Contact/Coupons/Reviews: There are few things consumers look for in a website; where you are, what exactly it is that you do, what is your contact info and what deals are you offering and what other people are saying about you in the form of testimonials. Make sure you address all of these ‘above the fold’, that is, without having to have the consumer scroll down the page.
Contact info on every page: Make sure your contact info is easy to find on EVERY page of your site. And it couldn’t hurt to have a short contact form in the sidebar either.
Tell a story: Your website should tell your story. Let consumers feel like they know you and your team. Tell stories about unique or unusual jobs you have gone through in order to satisfy customers.
Easy navigation: Your site should be easy to “walk around”. Keep all navigation above the fold to avoid unnecessary scrolling.
Add expert content: Have a page that talks about your industry. For example, let’s say you are an electrician. You want to have a page that talks about common electrical problems and what to do about them. This additional information establishes you as a friendly, trustworthy expert in the field.
Prompt Action: Your site should produce a response from the reader. Call, email or complete a form. Whatever you want them to do, make it available to them on every page, and make it a natural progression to reviewing each page.
Keep it fair and balanced: The right mix of text and pictures will help keep your readers eyes from falling out of their heads. Also keep the right balance of white space. About 50/50 should be alright.
Video & FAQ: Video, video, video. It’s 2011; you can’t put too much video on the web today. And a strong FAQ (frequently asked questions) page will help you do away with nonsense calls by answering the most common questions you get right there on the page for them.
What do your buyers want: Put yourself in your best client’s shoes. What does this consumer want when they visit your site? Then give it to them.
Giving your readers this information helps them make their decision to do business with you at your weakest moment; when you are not there to help the sales call forward. So make sure your content helps sell your business to the reader by not talking so much about you, but more about what you do helps the reader.