In part three I want to make sure you understand that social media is not meant to be a replacement for everything else you’re doing to market your contracting business. Social media marketing really is meant to prop up the other legs of your advertising table and help you get your message out to more people by touching those who have not consumed your traditional advertising. By integrating social media into your overall marketing mix you let people know that you are available to them at their convenience; through your twitter or Facebook pages or your blog or website.
Social media is not a replacement
Now, many social media experts will tell you that engaging people online is enough and you should stop wasting money on the traditional contractor marketing channels such as radio, television, newspapers, direct mail and Yellow Pages. But the Jersey shore is littered with beach houses owned by smart contractors who know that a well-rounded marketing campaign targeting disengaged, passively engaged and actively engaged consumers still works best.
Here’s a better way to think of social media
Think of social media as relationship selling. Social media marketing is exactly like relationship selling in that by focusing on taking care of people – customers follow. Social media has that same personal feel as dealing with people one-on-one, but now you are able to reach a multitude of people at a time. Some aren’t interested, some are shopping around and others have cash in hand and are ready to buy, just like the consumers I described above.
A word of caution on social media
Because of the personal nature of social media, I always recommend that you be the one in your organization who is responsible for the Twitter stream or Facebook page. Own it just like you would other key aspects of the business because you can easily ruin your reputation online and off if an employee that you staffed out your social media marketing to screws up the message. Stay tuned for part 4 tomorrow!
Miss part 2? Read it here.