Contractors have a great advantage when it comes to being a utility to prospects because most people (me being one of them) have no idea what is involved in a remodel, in a new junction box, in laying carpet…pretty much anything!
That means we lean heavily on our contractors to guide us and be the resource we need to help us make the right choice.
Honestly, we care a lot less that the shingles have lifetime warranty and care a lot more that you know what the hell you are doing on our roofs. That giving you the keys to our homes isn’t going to mean we come home to a mess that we didn’t count on.
But most important, that you know what the hell you are doing!
So, don’t be Apple, don’t innovate, let the products you offer provide the innovation. You be the rock people count on to get the job done, then they will beat a path to your door!
If you want to check out Youtility: Why Smart Marketing Is about Help Not Hype, click the link for more info.