So many times I get contractors who ask what they should blog about and I invariably tell them each time…you generate enough content one day on a site to last you a week.
That statement is often followed by complete silence…so let me explain.
Regardless of your blogging format; video, contextual, image-based, your job site can create enough content for your blog in one day.
Going on the premise that people want to be taught, and you are positioning yourself as the expert, everything from how you setup to how you breakdown the site (and everything in between) can be tracked, studied and used for content for DIY’ers at home.
Afraid your competition is going to see? Who cares!
Think you are the only one who knows how to clean out a bucket? You’re not. Think you are the only one who has that handy-dandy, double-secret drill attachment that does that thing twice and you know what? You’re not!
Take it from me…I am your perfect specimen. I want to know how to do something, then the minute I realize I can’t, I am calling someone. If you are the guy or girl who is showing me exactly what it is I can’t do, who do you think I am calling?
And that is the point! Start blogging, there’s content all around you!