So, I sent this out to my newsletter members today. Thought you all might like to take advantage of it until I fill up….
Happy Father’s Day Dads!!
Today’s newsletter is going to be quick and to the point. I am making all you Dads out there a free offer. Even if you aren’t a Dad, this offer is for you too.
Earlier in the week I posted a video asking you if your homepage was full of…well, throw up. I asked if your homepage was packed with junk that didn’t help you convert.
You can click here to watch the video post if you missed it
I asked you to take a look at your homepage and ask yourself this question:
“Looking at your homepage, would you buy from YOU?”
If you didn’t follow through on my request, I want you to think about your homepage now and ask yourself that question. Would you?
If not, or your not sure, here’s how I want to help…for free!
I will review the homepage of each of the first 50 people who respond to this newsletter, for free.
No charge…
Just send me an email at and I will get to work. It may take me a week to get back to you, but you WILL KNOW what you need to do to your homepage to get it to convert more visitors into leads.
Happy Father’s Day Dads, enjoy!
P.S. Email me now to and remember to include the URL of the homepage you want me to review! Only the first 50 will get the review, so do it now!
If you’re not on the newsletter, sign up by clicking here!