When you spend the time to create a video, edit it and get it ready for human consumption (you could always just point and shoot like I do) you want the resulting traffic back at your place, on your website. Having a solid construction website will tell a lot about you, your products and services and your company’s personality, so don’t let sites like YouTube cannibalize your traffic and steal your thunder. Make sure people have to come to your website to see your stuff. That way, they can learn more about who you are, what you do and God forbid, fill out a contact form or make a phone call. [Read more…] about Sometimes it Isn’t Nice to Share!
What Are You Doing to Be Memorable?
Considering people remember 10 words or less from your presentation, you have got to be memorable. What are you doing to separate yourself from your competition? If you haven’t put any thought into this, I promise you you have lost business this year to a contractor who is making a statement in the market. Maybe you even know who he or she is?
Traffic Without Conversions is Like Kissing Your Sister!
Obviously, I spend a lot of time around contractors, both online and in the real world. And there is plenty of spirited competition when it comes to just about, well everything. But I am starting to observe a troubling trend that I feel compelled to mention.
Website traffic
I hear things like “my site got 500 visitors last month” or “I got 50 hits last week” and I want to scream from the rooftops that people are tracking the wrong numbers! [Read more…] about Traffic Without Conversions is Like Kissing Your Sister!
Construction Marketing Tip – Getting Started With Video
Why use video? Because doing video really can be a great way to get the message out in a new way. It gives you a different platform to talk about products, news and other information that helps you stand out from your competition’s traditional websites or blogs.
What I use
I get at least one email a week asking me what I use to shoot my videos. And depending on where I am, I have a few different options. I use a FLIP HD for most videos shot in the car, I use a Philips Webcam when in the office and I use my Nikon CoolPix for both on the road and in the office. [Read more…] about Construction Marketing Tip – Getting Started With Video
Using a 90 Second Video to Promote Your Contracting Company
I have been pretty busy over the last few weeks doing website reviews, and one of the common topics I bring up on most of these reviews is the use of video. You see, video is going to supplant text within 5 years as the most consumed form of media on the Web. Yes, you read that right, we are going to watch more than we are going to read.
So the use of video to market your contracting company is going to become more and more important over the next couple of years for a number of reasons:
- Video is easier to produce than some contextual content
- Search engines seem to like video a lot more these days
- Video gives you the ability to extend your personality
- There is no better way to show off your good work than video
- For those of you who don’t fancy yourselves writers, video allows you to level the playing field
But what makes a solid video? [Read more…] about Using a 90 Second Video to Promote Your Contracting Company
Video Basics for Contractor Websites
I think I read somewhere that within the next 5 years, 90% of the content consumed online is going to be in video format. Sure, that number includes the mass migration to watching network TV on sites like Hulu.com, but it also means people are getting busier (or lazy) with how they consume content on websites that are traditionally more contextually rich.
What’s it all mean?
Well, if you have paid any attention here at Darren’s, I have beaten the video drum for a long time. Having video on your site adds a lot of value to your readers. [Read more…] about Video Basics for Contractor Websites
Use Old Media to Develop a Social Media ROI
I shot this video towards the end of last year and I just dug it up after forgetting I did it. I wish I had remembered it because I think the content makes a lot of sense to contractors who are on the fence about the value of using social media. In the video I make it easy for you to find an ROI for your social media activities using your existing advertising as our baseline. [Read more…] about Use Old Media to Develop a Social Media ROI
Remember What Your Mother Taught You…
One of the biggest complaints I hear from consumers about contractors is their tardiness. Whether it is for the estimate or when they are supposed to start working, contractors can’t seem to show up on time.
I hear other complaints when I spot survey contractor’s customers, and it got me thinking, the complaints are little things that should be obvious, but in our attempt to rush around and get things done we sometimes disappoint people. And the last thing you want to do is disappoint the person who is cutting you a check, so remember back to the advice your mother gave you [Read more…] about Remember What Your Mother Taught You…